Collection: Waffle Batter Mix

Want to make a yummy waffle yourself but hate preparing waffle batter mix? Read More

Of course, you do! The only thing that’s between you and that mouthwatering waffle is the lacking waffle batter mix.

We have a ready made waffle mix to recreate a fantastic wattle experience at home. To satisfy your waffle cravings or impress your friends and families with your waffle making skills, our premixed waffle mix will come in handy to prepare delicious waffles easily and quickly.

Our waffle ready mix is made of healthy and locally sourced ingredients. You can order your premade waffle batter today and have it delivered to your doorsteps.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the waffle batter made of?

Our dry waffle batter mix consists of regular flour, eggs, milk, maple sugar, baking soda, salt and baking powder. All you need is a little water and oil to make your waffles or pancakes.

Is waffle batter the same as pancake batter?

Our dry waffle batter mix has been created for you to make both waffles or pancakes. Our recipe is intended to make cooking easier and you won’t need to buy anything more than what you already have as life is all about simplicity.

How should waffle batter be?

A good waffle batter mix is thicker than a crepe batter. It should be smooth and have a creamy texture which shows it's ready to be cooked. Enjoy!